Pop-up Clubs bring you LEGO® 24/7. Weekdays. Weekends. Whenever.
The Builder Bunch Pop-up Clubs provide one-hour of LEGO® STEAM-powered mayhem at multiple times and locations throughout your city. They are a great alternative when your school doesn’t provide clubs, your school’s clubs are sold out or your school’s club times don’t fit your schedule.
Join a Pop-up Club Below
Our “Top Secret” Pop-up Club Topics.
Each semester we present a new “Top Secret” STEAM-based topic for all pop-up clubs. Topics are geared to connect with a broad array of children by testing student’s artistry, mathematic abilities, ingenuity, and scientific abilities through collaborative and competitive LEGO® challenges. Join a Pop-up Club Below
Our “Top Secret” Pop-up Club Locations.
This fall we will be launching multiple “Top Secret” Builder Bunch LEGO® Club locations. Locations will be selected based on parent interest from the Pop-up Club Submission below. Join a Pop-up Club Below
Our “Top Secret” Pop-up Club Schedule.
This fall each “Top Secret” Builder Bunch LEGO® Club location that we launch will have a club schedule that works for families in the area. The club schedule will be built based on parent interest from the Pop-up Club Submission below. Join a Pop-up Club Below
See a Club in action.
Instead of us trying to sell you the dream we would rather you see the reactions and excitement in the faces of kids as they participate in a Builder Bunch club. Enjoy!!! Join a Pop-up Club Below
Join a Pop-up Club.
We will be announcing our 2024 Pop-up Club schedule August 15th. The info that you provide below will help us define the club locations and schedule.